A Smolweb/Indie Web Directory


3/19/24 - Added some entries to the blogroll.

3/14/24 - Added some sceince news links.

3/13/24 - Added a small batch to the zines section.

3/10/24 - Birth of this site! 🥳



This humble site is made by me, JR the Cybernaut. Check out my blog if you want to know a bit more about me.

In the old days before the dominance of Google, people would gather and share links via link pages and directories to share cool or informative sites. As certain large search engines care more about AI than a functional search engine, its up to us to gather and share interesting and useful sites once again.

This site is definitely not intended to be an exhaustive resource of the entire internet. It will definitely lean heavily into sites I personally find interesting or useful. You can let me know about sites you think I'd like/find useful, but I also encourage you to make your own site/directory with the sites you find interesting/useful. Then send me a link. We can link to eachother and hopefully with enough folk making their own directories we can all help build a decentralized link network.